November 15, 1989
Rhoda Boyko
Founder of Boyko Institute of the Ben Gurion University
To whom it may concern:
It is with awe and admiration that I write these lines after having seen a preview of your film, Israel, an Appointment with Destiny.
It is a cassette video project which has been produced both magnificently and professionally, and one which serves the interests of all people of faith and of all faiths.
I bear in mind that you are a Christian Minister who is consciously and zealously guarding the Jewish people never proselytizingand chastising even the extent of assimilation that might endanger the state of Israel one day.
It is solely concerned with the welfare of the Jewish people and how they have advanced the challenges that face them always.
This film should be shown in every Synagogue and temple and is a tribute to your insight into the truth for the betterment of mankind.
Congratulations and Shalom.