
October 15, 1990

Rabbi Moshe Rose
Director Conference of European Rabbis

Dear Pastor Rawson:

It was a pleasure meeting you here in Jerusalem recently and hearing from you of your concern for and activities on behalf of the Jewish people in Israel and abroad.

I also thank you for leaving with me the excellent video Israel Appointment with Destiny, which I viewed with extreme interest.  It is a video which I feel many more members of the Jewish community should see, as it presents the destiny of the Jewish people in the Holy Land in a religious context, which as you emphasize in your presentation is our prime claim to the Land of Israel.

Wishing you every success in your endeavors, I am

Yours sincerely.


  Endorsements from Jewish Leaders»
  Mark Powers – Counter missionary activist
  Rabbi Tovia Singer - Counter missionary activist
  Ehud Olmert, Deputy Prime Minister of Israel
  Chief Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks, of Great Britain
  Avner Hai Shaki, Minister of Religous Affairs
  Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff, Past President RZOA
  Rabbi Rafael Grossman, Past President RCA
  Rabbi Gerald L. Zelizer, Past President RA
  Late Rabbi Steven Dworken, Exec. Vice Pres. RCA
  Prof. H. Branover, World Renowned Scientist
  Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi Effrat, Israel
  Late Dr Burg, Pres Religious Zionist Org of World
  Late Rabbi Louis Bernstein, Past President RCA
  Rhoda Boyko, Founder Boyko Inst., Ben Gurion U.
  Late Rabbi Rose, Dir. European Council of Rabbis
  Prof. Yuval Neeman, Past Member Israeli Cabinet

  Newpaper Endorsements»
Copyright 2012 by Kenneth W. Rawson