Israel - Appointment with Destiny

Israel: Appointment with Destiny

This stirring documentary has been hailed as a most inspiring and comprehensive historical portrayal of the Jewish people, of Zionism and of the State of Israel.

To view the full 47 min. video, CLICK HERE
To view the video in Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Romanian CLICK HERE

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The Hebrew Scriptures — the Torah or Law and the Prophets — provide evidence that can establish a realistic faith. This inspiring book challenges secular Jews to embrace their heritage and encourages religious Jews to greater faith.

To request a printed copy of the booklet (USA only) email

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Israel is the land given by promise to father Abraham. Israel has a G-d given right to their land and is there to stay. See how Israel will bless all nations.

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Kenneth W. Rawson, of blessed memory, was the pastor of the Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick, New Jersey for over 40 years. He was also an author, journalist and has lectured throughout North America and Europe on the subject of Israel and the Middle East. His message continues to be supported by Bible Student congregations throughout the world.

He wrote and produced the film: ISRAEL: APPOINTMENT WITH DESTINY which has been highly commended in Israel by members of the Cabinet and Knesset. Hebrew, Russian and English versions of this video are being distributed in Israel to counter Christian missionaries and help deepen Zionist roots.

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